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Things to Think About when Designing an Office

The design of a modern functioning office is one of the most important things – it can affect everything from staff efficiency, to how visitors perceive your company, so it is important that you give a lot of thought to how you can make your office the best it can be. Here are a few things to think about when it comes to making your office space a good space to be…

Space – You may be lucky and have a lot of space at your disposal or you may not – but what you need to do is make the space work for you. – an open plan layout is what works best – it promotes a stronger teamworking culture as well as making the place look bigger and more spacious.

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Brand – Never underestimate the importance of branding – it sends a clear message to customers and helps your business to build a strong reputation and customer loyalty. This is particularly important in the reception area, as this is the face of your brand. Display your logo on the wall and set up your bestbuy reception chairs to make the place look and feel welcoming.

Prasetyo's Design Journal: Reception Area for Corporate Office

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Light – Light is another thing that has a huge impact on productivity and happiness – you know how in the winter a lot of people can feel down and sluggish as the long dark nights and grey days upset the bodies natural rhythm. Making sure that you let in as much light as possible and replicating natural daylight with LED lighting is an important part of a successful office.

office furniture company

Infographic provided by Arnold’s Furniture, an office furniture company